Ingersoll Middle school
student device expectations
Ingersoll Middle School has implemented a 1:1 initiative for 5th- 8th grade students. It is a privilege to be part of this project and it comes with understanding that students will assume responsibility in the use and care of the device that will be on loan to you for the school year.
- Always follow the proper computer handling instructions.
- They should be carried with the lid closed using both hands.
- Do not deface the device or the school provided protective sleeve with stickers, markers, or graffiti. Do not remove any markings or tags placed on your device by the technology department.
- Devices must be placed securely on the working surface at all times.
- Use caution when placing your device in your locker so that the door or items in locker could damage the device.
- There should be no device carried throughout the hallway without the proper protective covering.
- Do not carry a laptop that does not belong to you.
- Be cautious in the hallways, horseplay will not be tolerated!
- Do not leave devices in vehicles, the temperature can damage the battery.
- Devices and chargers should NEVER be left unattended in an unsecured environment. Please be sure that while at school, the device and/or charger is either in your possession or placed in your locked locker. It is recommended that your chargers stay home.
- Devices MUST be returned to school each day fully charged.
- Students, whose parents have signed a Device Agreement and have been given permission by CUSD 66 staff, will be allowed to take devices home. Administration and/or parents may revoke this privilege.
- Students may not install additional software, downloads, etc. Students must realize that devices are school property and all contents (software, internet use, network use) will be monitored by the technology department. Students should have no expectation of privacy and can expect teachers to conduct spot checks of Internet history, documents, e-mail etc.
- CUSD 66 reserves the right to monitor the Internet usage of all students through the use of specialized reporting software as well as other means available to teachers and administration. CUSD 66 has a content filtering system blocking specific Internet sites and students are not allowed to access inappropriate and or obscene sites. Off campus usage will be monitored with filtering and site logging software. We encourage parents to take an active role in monitoring home usage.
- Social networking sites such as Facebook are not allowed on district laptops while connected to the district network. Students need to be polite while interacting with other users while using emails and other social networking sites. Abusive or threatening language will not be tolerated. Do not swear, use vulgarities, or inappropriate language or send offensive messages or pictures.
- Do not reveal your password to another user. Do not use another user's password to access the network or Internet. Do not trespass into another user's files. Do not use another student's laptop.
- Do not reveal your personal address or phone number to anyone online. Do not reveal the personal address or phone number of another person.
- The device should not be used to copy, download or share copyrighted materials without the owner's permission. This includes the reproduction or downloading of music files and software applications.
- Do not damage computers, computer systems, networks or engage in other aspects of vandalism. Vandalism is defined as the intentional attempt to harm or destroy the equipment and or data of another user. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. Vandalism is a major infraction of the rules.
- If your device is lost or stolen, you should report it immediately to your building administrator.
- In the case of intentional damage or neglect, you will lose your privilege of taking your device home. You will still be responsible for completing homework assignments even if your privilege is revoked.