CUSD #66 Return to Learn Plan- Updated July 2022
Describe how the LEA will include the required information in the district’s Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services, and how the LEA will gain public input. Additionally, explain the process the LEA will complete to review and update this plan no less then every 6 months.*
The purpose of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Fund is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on the nation’s students by addressing students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs. This description describes how Canton Union School District #66 (CUSD66) will implement our Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services. Questions about this plan should be directed to [email protected].
CUSD66 has taken and will continue to take actions to ensure the health and safety of students, educators, and other school and division staff during and following the return to full in-person instruction. CUSD66 developed a Health Mitigation Plan as part of the reopening of schools in August 2021. The plan is reviewed and updated regularly to reflect current guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Illinois Department of Health (IDPH), Fulton County Health Department (FCHD), and the Illinois School Board of Education (ISBE), as well as to conform to requirements in the governor’s Executive Orders. The plan is a summary of guiding practices and protocols regarding the safety of internal and external stakeholders, including the following: ● Personal hygiene for staff and students, including hand washing and respiratory etiquette ● Face coverings ● Physical distancing to the greatest extent possible ● School and classroom protocols, including physical layout and student cohorts ● Health screening guidelines for staff, students, and visitors ● Cleaning/disinfecting protocols ● COVID-19 monitoring, reporting, notification and response protocols (contact tracing, isolation, quarantine) ● Provide space for vaccination clinics for the community in collaboration with the FCHD and the City of Canton. The plan was developed by the CUSD66 administration in conjunction with the local Fulton County Health Department and medical professionals from the community. The plan is posted on the division’s website and is available to the public. The plan will be reviewed at least quarterly to ensure alignment with CDC and other agency guidance. In addition, CUSD66 has adopted policies on each of the following safety recommendations established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CUSD66 LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services ● Universal and correct wearing of masks for all students, staff, visitors, and vendors of CUSD66 in August 2021. The plan procedure was developed in consideration of the recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the IDPH, the ISBE, and the FCHD, the School Board. Policy requires students and employees to wear a mask or face covering as provided herein in the school building, on school provided transportation, property and/or campus CUSD #66 sponsored event(s), when deemed necessary.
CUSD66 has taken and will continue to take actions to ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address students’ academic needs and students’ and staff social, emotional, mental health, and other needs. CUSD66 priority during the 2021-22 school year is to provide excellent educational programs and services in-person five days a week while maintaining high standards for the health and safety of our students and school community. To meet the academic, social emotional, and comprehensive health needs of our students, CUSD66 will return to a pre-COVID instructional day at all schools with health and safety strategies to mitigate the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus including the wearing of masks, social distancing to the extent possible, the practicing of good hygiene, and contact tracing protocols. CUSD66 will also offer virtual learning during the 2021-22 school year for students that are quarantined due to exposure or testing positive for COVID-19, as well as virtual and in-person before/after school programs and summer enrichment/learning loss programs. Students will participate in self paced, self-guided learning posted by their teachers, as well as live online learning sessions. Live learning sessions in the evening will take place regularly on every student attendance day, as they are pivotal in providing students with instruction needed to ensure their success.
In developing the ARP ESSER Plan, CUSD66 sought public input and took such input into account as described below. CUSD66 received input and public comment from stakeholders on continuity of services and our safe return to in-person learning throughout the 2020-21 school year at several BOE meetings. District and school-level administrators provided regular “Return to Learn'' updates at monthly school board meetings and board work sessions, regarding the district’s current and future instructional models and academic achievement data, as well as health and safety mitigation strategies and data. Stakeholders provided input and feedback via public comments, emails, and phone calls. Input and feedback provided throughout the year was taken into account during updates and revisions to the district’s mitigation plans. In addition, CUSD66 will provide information on the district’s website regarding the safe return to in-person learning, seeking consultation and input from all internal and external stakeholders in the development of the ARP ESSER Plan via district admin email addresses.
During the period of the ARP ESSER award (until September 2024), CUSD66 will periodically review and, as needed, revise its plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services. The plan will be reviewed at least every six months, and CUSD66 will seek and take into account public input during the review process. Plan revisions will address updated CDC, IDPH, ISBE and FCHD guidance on safely reopening schools, if any are issued.
CUSD66 has taken the following steps to make this plan available to the public: The plan is posted at
Describe how the LEA will include the required information in the district’s Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services, and how the LEA will gain public input. Additionally, explain the process the LEA will complete to review and update this plan no less then every 6 months.*
The purpose of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Fund is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on the nation’s students by addressing students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs. This description describes how Canton Union School District #66 (CUSD66) will implement our Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services. Questions about this plan should be directed to [email protected].
CUSD66 has taken and will continue to take actions to ensure the health and safety of students, educators, and other school and division staff during and following the return to full in-person instruction. CUSD66 developed a Health Mitigation Plan as part of the reopening of schools in August 2021. The plan is reviewed and updated regularly to reflect current guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Illinois Department of Health (IDPH), Fulton County Health Department (FCHD), and the Illinois School Board of Education (ISBE), as well as to conform to requirements in the governor’s Executive Orders. The plan is a summary of guiding practices and protocols regarding the safety of internal and external stakeholders, including the following: ● Personal hygiene for staff and students, including hand washing and respiratory etiquette ● Face coverings ● Physical distancing to the greatest extent possible ● School and classroom protocols, including physical layout and student cohorts ● Health screening guidelines for staff, students, and visitors ● Cleaning/disinfecting protocols ● COVID-19 monitoring, reporting, notification and response protocols (contact tracing, isolation, quarantine) ● Provide space for vaccination clinics for the community in collaboration with the FCHD and the City of Canton. The plan was developed by the CUSD66 administration in conjunction with the local Fulton County Health Department and medical professionals from the community. The plan is posted on the division’s website and is available to the public. The plan will be reviewed at least quarterly to ensure alignment with CDC and other agency guidance. In addition, CUSD66 has adopted policies on each of the following safety recommendations established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CUSD66 LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services ● Universal and correct wearing of masks for all students, staff, visitors, and vendors of CUSD66 in August 2021. The plan procedure was developed in consideration of the recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the IDPH, the ISBE, and the FCHD, the School Board. Policy requires students and employees to wear a mask or face covering as provided herein in the school building, on school provided transportation, property and/or campus CUSD #66 sponsored event(s), when deemed necessary.
CUSD66 has taken and will continue to take actions to ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address students’ academic needs and students’ and staff social, emotional, mental health, and other needs. CUSD66 priority during the 2021-22 school year is to provide excellent educational programs and services in-person five days a week while maintaining high standards for the health and safety of our students and school community. To meet the academic, social emotional, and comprehensive health needs of our students, CUSD66 will return to a pre-COVID instructional day at all schools with health and safety strategies to mitigate the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus including the wearing of masks, social distancing to the extent possible, the practicing of good hygiene, and contact tracing protocols. CUSD66 will also offer virtual learning during the 2021-22 school year for students that are quarantined due to exposure or testing positive for COVID-19, as well as virtual and in-person before/after school programs and summer enrichment/learning loss programs. Students will participate in self paced, self-guided learning posted by their teachers, as well as live online learning sessions. Live learning sessions in the evening will take place regularly on every student attendance day, as they are pivotal in providing students with instruction needed to ensure their success.
In developing the ARP ESSER Plan, CUSD66 sought public input and took such input into account as described below. CUSD66 received input and public comment from stakeholders on continuity of services and our safe return to in-person learning throughout the 2020-21 school year at several BOE meetings. District and school-level administrators provided regular “Return to Learn'' updates at monthly school board meetings and board work sessions, regarding the district’s current and future instructional models and academic achievement data, as well as health and safety mitigation strategies and data. Stakeholders provided input and feedback via public comments, emails, and phone calls. Input and feedback provided throughout the year was taken into account during updates and revisions to the district’s mitigation plans. In addition, CUSD66 will provide information on the district’s website regarding the safe return to in-person learning, seeking consultation and input from all internal and external stakeholders in the development of the ARP ESSER Plan via district admin email addresses.
During the period of the ARP ESSER award (until September 2024), CUSD66 will periodically review and, as needed, revise its plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services. The plan will be reviewed at least every six months, and CUSD66 will seek and take into account public input during the review process. Plan revisions will address updated CDC, IDPH, ISBE and FCHD guidance on safely reopening schools, if any are issued.
CUSD66 has taken the following steps to make this plan available to the public: The plan is posted at