Resources for parents (health, food needs, and at-home learning activities)
School Remote schedules
During this extended school closure, parents can utilize the following resources for health, food needs, and at-home activities. These resources will be updated as needed.
Health Resources- The safety and health of our students is our top priority. Please review information and guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health to familiarize on the COVID-19 situation. Remember, talk with your children on social distancing guidance, symptoms, caring, kindness, patience, and to ask questions (CDC web article).
Health Resources- The safety and health of our students is our top priority. Please review information and guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health to familiarize on the COVID-19 situation. Remember, talk with your children on social distancing guidance, symptoms, caring, kindness, patience, and to ask questions (CDC web article).
Food Needs- During this school closure, CUSD#66 is committed to the health and nutrition of our students. Please see below if your children are in need of some prepared meals. Student meals for the Breeds area are delivered by volunteer, Traci DeWitt and family. We appreciate her family's commitment to our students and families! Please contact your child's school for more info.
Other Food Service Options around the area-
- Food Pantry is stocked outside Crow Hollow Boutique, 30 W Elm St, Canton, IL
- For additional help you may contact...The First Baptist Church Food Pantry at 309-647-7241 (office) or 309-201-0750 (cell).
- Canton McDonald's would like to provide breakfast to children during the school closure Monday through Friday 6-10AM. Each school-ages child will receive a breakfast that will consist of a scrambled egg, apple slices and a white milk. No purchase necessary. It is completely free to students. This will be available through the drive-thru.
- More coming as soon as it is confirmed...
- Food Pantry is stocked outside Crow Hollow Boutique, 30 W Elm St, Canton, IL
- For additional help you may contact...The First Baptist Church Food Pantry at 309-647-7241 (office) or 309-201-0750 (cell).
- Canton McDonald's would like to provide breakfast to children during the school closure Monday through Friday 6-10AM. Each school-ages child will receive a breakfast that will consist of a scrambled egg, apple slices and a white milk. No purchase necessary. It is completely free to students. This will be available through the drive-thru.
- More coming as soon as it is confirmed...
Internet Filtering at Home:
To help protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material, as well as to keep a “scholarly” focus when learning online, Canton School District 66 uses online services provided by GoGuardian. This web-based protection operates both when in school and at also at home for school managed accounts (i.e. when a student is logged into Chrome or a Chromebook with their school email address). There are two GoGuardian policies that we employ; “At School Policy” and “After School Policy”. The At School Policy blocks websites like social media, Netflix, online gaming. This policy starts at 7:00am until 3:30pm. The After School Policy is a more lenient policy allowing social media and online streaming sites like Netflix. The After School Policy starts at 3:31pm until 6:59am.
While filtering takes place both at school and at home, parents play an important role in supervising their child's internet access and usage. Parents are encouraged to discuss rules for appropriate internet usage, and reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and safety.
Student/Parent Technical Support:
In the event of an issue with student’s District assigned device, please either use the online Students Helpdesk Form (see below) or call the school office to have the secretary log a Helpdesk call.
Student Helpdesk Form- Students may use this form on any designated e-Learning Day for technology/device support. Upon receipt, the CUSD#66 Technology Team will send submitted forms to appropriate staff to troubleshoot. Please be patient as this is a new process.
Canton High School (309) 647-1820
Ingersoll Middle School (309) 647-6951
Eastview Elementary School (309) 647-0136
Lincoln Elementary School (309) 647-7594
Westview Elementary School (309) 647-2111
To help protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material, as well as to keep a “scholarly” focus when learning online, Canton School District 66 uses online services provided by GoGuardian. This web-based protection operates both when in school and at also at home for school managed accounts (i.e. when a student is logged into Chrome or a Chromebook with their school email address). There are two GoGuardian policies that we employ; “At School Policy” and “After School Policy”. The At School Policy blocks websites like social media, Netflix, online gaming. This policy starts at 7:00am until 3:30pm. The After School Policy is a more lenient policy allowing social media and online streaming sites like Netflix. The After School Policy starts at 3:31pm until 6:59am.
While filtering takes place both at school and at home, parents play an important role in supervising their child's internet access and usage. Parents are encouraged to discuss rules for appropriate internet usage, and reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and safety.
Student/Parent Technical Support:
In the event of an issue with student’s District assigned device, please either use the online Students Helpdesk Form (see below) or call the school office to have the secretary log a Helpdesk call.
Student Helpdesk Form- Students may use this form on any designated e-Learning Day for technology/device support. Upon receipt, the CUSD#66 Technology Team will send submitted forms to appropriate staff to troubleshoot. Please be patient as this is a new process.
Canton High School (309) 647-1820
Ingersoll Middle School (309) 647-6951
Eastview Elementary School (309) 647-0136
Lincoln Elementary School (309) 647-7594
Westview Elementary School (309) 647-2111
at-Home Learning Activities- Here are some daily routines to help keep students engaged in the learning process during the school closure. These activities are not required, collected or graded, but merely a starting point of suggestions.
Prek through 4th Grade (pdf)
5th through 12th Grade (pdf)
If we move to an e-Learning environment, CUSD#66 will provide information, resources and guidance. Currently while students are away, we are putting together an e-Learning plan in the event of future closures. Remember, this is a process and we appreciate the support and patience of our families and learning community. For more information on our e-Learning Planning Process, please visit this web pagee-Learning/Remote Learning Plan.
Click HERE for a list of online at-home resources
Prek through 4th Grade (pdf)
5th through 12th Grade (pdf)
If we move to an e-Learning environment, CUSD#66 will provide information, resources and guidance. Currently while students are away, we are putting together an e-Learning plan in the event of future closures. Remember, this is a process and we appreciate the support and patience of our families and learning community. For more information on our e-Learning Planning Process, please visit this web pagee-Learning/Remote Learning Plan.
Click HERE for a list of online at-home resources
Staying Connected During the COVID-19 School Closure (internet for low-income families)- As the country deals with the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Comcast is taking immediate steps to help connect more low-income families to the Internet at home. Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, new Internet Essentials customers will receive two free months of Internet service.
- Please use the following web address for more information and to apply:
- If you cannot use the online application feature, please call 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855-846-8376) for assistance.
- If you know of families who need this service, please help them fill out the application or direct them to contact the CUSD#66 Curriculum Office at (309) 647-1600 or [email protected].
- Please use the following web address for more information and to apply:
- If you cannot use the online application feature, please call 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855-846-8376) for assistance.
- If you know of families who need this service, please help them fill out the application or direct them to contact the CUSD#66 Curriculum Office at (309) 647-1600 or [email protected].